This group nurtures and fosters a sense of community life and fraternity in the parish.
The OLA Community's hope is to respond more fully to our Baptismal call to holiness and service, and to offer support to our Parish Priest through prayer, ministry and communal sharing. We are committed to the charisms of community and evangelization
List of Ministries
Hospitality Ministers
Altar Servers
Sacristan Ministry
Music Ministers
Children's Liturgy Ministry
Ministers of the Word
Eucharistic Ministers
Ministers of the Eucharist
to the Sick & Homebound

Hospitality ministers have the function of making worshipers feel welcome and at home, before, during and after celebrations.
As a Hospitality Minister (Greeter), it is your role to help establish a warm and welcoming climate. You will assist the assembly with practical details so that the Liturgy and Sacred Rites can be celebrated with ease and grace.
Responsibilities include: hand out missals, the bulletin and song books; handle the collect, join in the procession of the gifts, etc.

Sacristans oversee the general tidiness and preparedness of our place of worship. their contribution includes preparing the altar for our liturgical celebrations by ensuring that the sacred vessels are clean and ready for use by the celebrant, and the cleaning and availability of altar linens as well as the vestments for the celebrant and altar servers. the lay ministers also assume responsibility for and the general décor of our place of worship.
The head sacristan, in consultation with the parish priest, orders liturgical supplies and ensures that adequate inventory is maintained.

The role of the choir is to support the singing of the assembly, as well as to enhance the assembly’s prayer with musical settings fitting for liturgy.
The choir sings at the 9:00am Sunday Masses from September to June, for major feasts of the Church year and for special events, such as a wedding, a parish mission or a visit from the Bishop.
They meet regularly, as judged necessary, to prepare for special feasts and events.

"Let the children come to Me"
Children’s Liturgy is a program in which we gather with children to celebrate the Liturgy of the Word, the first part of the Mass.
We follow the same liturgy as the adults but in children’s language and with their participation. It is about worship and celebration of the Word of God. Through readings, stories and discussion, the children are actively involved in thinking about the Gospel.
The children gather with their leaders in front of the altar after the Opening Prayer and are sent forth by the presider, returning to their families at the time of the Presentation of the Gifts.
Our Children’s Liturgy takes place during the nine o’clock mass on Sunday, from September to June. Any child may participate - no registration is necessary.

The Lectors reverently proclaim the Word of God in Sacred Scripture and the prayers of the faithful to the assembly of God’s people during weekend Masses, at special Celebrations and at other Liturgical Ceremonies.

Eucharistic Ministers have to be approved by the Pastor. They assist the celebrant during the liturgy in sharing the Eucharistic body and blood of Christ. At OLA Ministers are required for our Saturday and Sunday masses. Typically ministers serve one to two times every month. All Eucharistic Ministers must be fully initiated Roman Catholics.

To the Homebound & the Sick
The purpose of this ministry is to celebrate Communion of the Sick with parishioners who are unable to attend regular liturgy. This ministry provides the sick and home-bound a sense of community and belonging. If you have a family member that cannot attend mass in person or you are in need of this ministry, contact the parish for more info.

Elementary school students who have received Holy Communion are welcome to assist as Altar Servers, all training will be provided. Altar Servers should be a parishioner, boy or girl, who displays a desire to serve during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is an extreme privilege to be so close to the altar as our loving Savior, Jesus Christ, becomes truly present, body, blood, soul and divinity, at the moment of Consecration. A server is uniquely joined in the Heavenly Supper of the Lamb and serves in the company of those eternally singing "Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!

“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in”
“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.”
“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.”

"The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few. Therefore ask the God of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field"
Our parish needs you! Email us to learn more on how to become part of a worthy cause; that is, to make the Spirit of The Lord thrive once more in the Gatineau community, to help our new generations be well equipped to lead worthy and virtuous lives and to honour our seniors by giving back fruits for the hard work they first rendered our community.