This group nurtures and fosters a sense of community life and fraternity in the parish. It generously coordinates and facilitates the planning, organization and operation of fund-raising and social events in the parish. The fund-raising events include the parish’s garage sale (in the fall) and Auction (in the spring). The social events include the Annual Parish General Meeting (in November) and the Valentine’s Day Party (in February)

"Truly I say unto you, inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, you have done it unto Me"
For those in need. To know more, contact the parish office.
Working for justice, development and peace is at the heart of the Gospel Message and so the Canadian Bishops endorse the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (CCODP)
In cooperation with other Churches, they continue to bring the needs of the less privileged before the people of our country and encourage all to respond to God’s generosity by supporting the works of CCODP. During Lent, a collection is taken for developing countries. Christians are urged to share their goods with others; their offerings should reflect the money saved through penitential fasting and set aside for God’s poor people. Generous donations are dearly welcome. In fall, CCODP also offers an awareness program about living conditions and injustices in developing countries and thus call us to say “NO” to injustice in the world.

The Fabrique is an Ecclesiastical Corporation
Each parish in the province of Québec, by virtue of the Fabrique Act, is obliged by law to establish a Fabrique. It is charged with acquiring, possessing, holding and administering property for the practice of the Catholic faith in the parish for which it is established. It is composed of the President, the Parish Priest (Pastor) and six wardens, one of whom is the Vice President. As part of this formal function as the financial backbone of the parish, members are devoted to overseeing the overall operation of the parish. They facilitate collections for the parish and the diocese. They meet the second Thursday of the month except in July and August.